
 We humans always think that there are other people like us in this universe which is Aliens.We have progressed so much that we don't know where we will reach in the next few years.It is true that no one has been able to establish this so far as a writer I will share my thoughts about Aliens and this is my theory and I would like to share my theory with you.

How They Look Like?

None of us know how they write, how they live, what they do.We would only present our view and our theory.It has nothing to do with reality.We may know something about them for the next hundred years

Imaginary Alien Photo

How They Travel?

It is said that if aliens are real, they have technology that we humans do not have.If this is true, we should wonder how far ahead of us they will be in technology. 
If they have or have ships, they will be such that we cannot even imagine.

How are they born?

There are many questions in our mind about aliens and one of them is how we humans are born from a neighbor of ours but how Alins are Born If the Really exists.

Everything we are just disgusting It's all our theoretical idea. It has nothing to do with reality. We wonder how it would be if it actually happened.

All of us humans have a story, we are born in our mother's womb and from there we slowly grow young and then grow up, but what about aliens?🍂